Update! Closer demo and improvements!

Hello everyone! Sorry for leaving you in the dark. Wanted to update. Shadows of the Earth is very much still alive and kicking! 

I'm still working on the main story and the Echoes of the Rift expansion. 

First of all, let me present you: The Strategy menu!

The Strategy menu will allow you, as a player, to control the AI's behaviour. From certain AI presets, you can define which targets to attack,  a general group tactic, and even if your allies can use Items! You can set each parameter individually.

There are five AI Types for each character. And here are their descriptions.  
And there are also six enemy types, You can use these types to specify to each character which target is their preferred targetting type. 
Item controls are as the following:

  • If an ally dies, any random alive Ally will use a life gem.
  • If an Ally's EP is lower than 25%, it will use an Ether Orange, ranging from the highest recovery to the lowes

Weapons and Resprites!

I've also taken my time to add the New Weapon System in the game. Now, you can change weapons. In the beginning, Sprites had to have a fixed weapon image. This is no longer the case, as the now rechristened CEL-LMBS supports the use of mnay weapon sheets!

There are many weapons of different tiers, and each one has an impressive bonus (and, with the reworked upgrade system, you can even use the starting weapon fully upgraded to deal with all the foes waiting for you in Angorian)
Besides, all characters have received a Re-Sprite. Their sprite sheets have been overhauled, reducing the amount of sprites used (Joseph had a whoping 44 sheets, now reduced to 26) without losing consistency!

Echoes of the Rift: Tower of the Cosmos

In the Echoes of the Rift expansion, you'll have to traverse many dungeons, and this is the first one: The Tower of the Cosmos; A very dangerous tower with many puzzles, foes and bosses that want to impede your advance

Until next time~ (Hopefully, with the demo itself!)

Get (On Work)Shadows of the Earth: The Vrila'an Legend


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Hell yeah